Friday, January 2, 2015

Why Your Company Needs ISO 9001 Certification

Once you are ISO 9001 certified, your company will operate with industry best practices. This means issues are identified and recorded early giving you the information you need to make these issues opportunities for continual improvement. There are seven key benefits that ISO 9001 will bring to your business:
1. Improved overall performance
   - ISO adopters have higher growth rates for sales, employment, payroll and average annual    
   - Processes are in place to ensure that problems are quickly identified and resolved with your people being clear about what to do, how and when – they don't spend time ‘reinventing the wheel’.

2. Cost reduction
   - Business outputs are tracked and measured, which means areas of waste and duplication can be
      identified and eliminated.

3. Higher customer satisfaction
   - Processes are in place to track and resolve issues quickly and effectively, which leads to improved      customer satisfaction.

4. Better training and development
   - Systems are present to deliver training constantly, enhancing your greatest resource – your staff.
     In addition, standardised processes help to ensure your business can continue to operate
     effectively, even when key people leave.

5. Marketing advantage
   - Differentiate yourself from your competitors by displaying the ISO 9001 logo on your website,
     brochures, stationery and advertising.
   - This endorsement clearly shows your customers that your business is certified by ISO certification       body.

6. Access new markets
   - Some contracts and tenders now require ISO 9001 certification as a pre-requisite. Additionally,
     customers in global markets may demand this internationally recognized certification.
   - Access new markets and reassure potential customers about your quality systems by telling them
     you have ‘ISO 9001’.

7. Continuous improvement
   - Becoming ISO 9001 certified locks in best practice, which becomes a benchmark for ongoing
   - By tracking and monitoring issues facing the business through a certified system, problems
      become improvement opportunities.
   - These improvement actions are always based on real data, not speculation or guesswork.

>> Request a quote for ISO 9001 Quality Management Certification today

How ISO 9001 benefit to school or academy

Traditionally, ISO 9001 brings great benefits to an organization and its customers. But, what about school or academy?

In fact, ISO 9001 can help the school, students and their future employers reap the ultimate benefits.

ISO 9001 creates a workforce development system that is accountable, cost-effective, and addresses continual improvement. It also creates a quality mindset among the students. When these students go into the work place, they already understand the importance of quality standards, which provides a significant advantage to their employers and perpetuates the quality process.

There are several state and federal mandates that oversee performance accountability and recognize the need for continuous improvement in education. ISO 9001 addresses accountability and continuous improvement. It also provides the structure to create a quality policy and quality objectives.

Schools which have completed registration to ISO 9001 have found numerous benefits. They have realized increased community awareness and appreciation of the education they are providing. Local employers have applauded their efforts and have taken a greater interest in the development of programs with the schools and, most importantly, a greater interest in their students.

In addition, the schools also noted increased operational efficiency, open lines of communication, empowerment of staff members to recommend and implement change, better documentation of methods and responsibilities, and consistency of process, and enhanced communication among their employees.

For more information or enquiry, please visit or contact 03-8686 2014.