Wednesday, July 30, 2014

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and safety management system

OHSAS 18001 demonstrates to your stakeholders that you're confident in your organisation's ability to meet health and safety legislation requirements. Not only does it highlight commitment to implementing, maintaining and improving health and safety policy, but it can also provide your organisation with a competitive edge.


  • Gain competitive advantages in the global market
  • Enhance health and safety working environment
  • Enhance company image and brand reputation
  • Continual improvement of organisational performance
  • Encourage organisations to improve working environment with ensured health and safety for employees
  • Demonstrate your commitment to health and safety towards company’s stakeholders
  • Ensure compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements
  • Better management of health and safety risk and potentially reduced public liability

1 comment:

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